Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The things I do for fandom

I'm not an ultra-mega-super-obsessive (or should that be supermegafoxyawesomehot?) Harry Potter fan who covers their walls with posters and owns wands and robes and a broom, but when I make stuff it tends to reflect the mantra, "I'd rather be at Hogwarts."

Well,  I do own a wand (Four, actually, but I made them rather than buy the official ones, which are much prettier but sooooo expensive to get), and things which resemble robes, and a Hogwarts jumper, and a Ravenclaw scarf and tie and hat, and I get annoyed at merchandise which uses a raven instead of an eagle, and I will likely kick your ass in an HP trivia contest, but I don't have any posters or anywhere near as much memorabilia as the most hardcore fans. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that there's a part of me that looks at myself funny when I decide to do things like make a complete set of "Remember the Second Wizarding War" Chocolate Frog Cards of the people who died

when I don't have Photoshop or even Paint and I'm making them entirely on MSWord, and then I turn around and think, "I bet these would make great earrings!"

Notice how they're being modelled by a charming young toy Tasmanian Devil? That's because I don't have pierced ears, nor am I planning to get them pierced. So I made those for the simple reason that they should exist in the Harry Potter fandom. It's odd. Not zany, or bizarre, or weird, just... odd. Fandom is strange that way, people make things but not for themselves, or even people they know. They make them for the fandom. And that is either beautiful or truly terrifying.

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